Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Getting Desperate

Desperate times call for desperate measures. I think I need to start doing that dreaded deed of all, and that's volunteer. I don't mean at the Children's Hospital or for any other of the local charities I actually care about. Those wouldn't be so difficult for me. But I think I need to start volunteering at ASID events, which includes things like the Showcase House and various Home and Garden shows. Gaahhh. I just hate working at these things, and schmoozing, and networking. But things are slow here at the Paperwork. (Thankfully The Husband has hired me on at his company, doing paperwork, so I have a few things keeping me busy.)

Its been brought to my attention, that people are still out there talking about me and asking about me, but no one is calling. People talk about how busy they are at these ASID meetings, and my friends are there telling them all to call me. No one does. Then at the next meeting, the same designers are talking about how they could really use some help, and my friends remind them of me, and they say "oh yeah, I need to call her." Then at the next meeting....well, you get my drift.



gina said...

Oh that is so annoying. It's laziness is what it is. They probably like to make phone calls as much as I do. ha! It'll happen. Enjoy the lull...why not take a vacay to Texas to kill some time?!

Brooke a.k.a. 34B cup said...

frigin' designers! Sh*t or get off the pot ladies/men(ladies)!