Monday, April 21, 2008

Another Year Older

Another year older. This was not a milestone year, but looking from the outside in, seems to be a much larger number this year, and considerably closer to my first "over the hill" party. Birthdays don't bother me typically, I embrace them and am proud of my age. But this one has definitely caught my attention, that's for sure. Now I'm old enough to remember when my parent were this age. See, that's what I mean. That's just weird, because I still don't see myself as an adult or parent, and should not be entrusted with the responsibilities that come with adulthood. It just doesn't seem like I'm old enough.

Anyway, work has slowed quite a bit. I need to drum up some business this week. So, what's the plan of action you ask.....good question. I think I'll send out some of my letters that explain me and what I do to perspective designers, and then maybe go hang out at IMS just to show my face. Beyond that, I'm a bit at a loss. I'm still feeling the after effects of my birthday this Monday morning.....not quite motivated. It'd be so much easier if someone would just call me! Come on!


1 comment:

Brooke a.k.a. 34B cup said...

I KNOW! AND why does it take so long to recover after a good party now days?!?