Friday, February 29, 2008

Anyone Need a New Toaster

I understand that everyone else out there who is working is very busy, and I'm sure they're meaning to call me, and I understand all of that. But when I say I'll wait for your call, I mean, literally. I am sitting here, waiting for your call. My phone does not leave my side. Only when I'm in the shower, I guess.

Well, its paid off. Yesterday, while sitting and waiting, my designer called and we're meeting tomorrow to go over the project so I can work on it next week. I know, you say, "Nicki, tomorrow is Saturday. You do not work on Saturdays." Well what the hell do I care? I'll meet her at 3 am in some dark alley in North Minneapolis at this point. Besides, she's leaving town Sunday and don't I just look like the most accommodating little peach to her?

Then it paid off again. I got ANOTHER call today, from ANOTHER designer previously unknown to me. She was referred to me from "Tim," and he's told her all about me. All of that is well and good, except I don't know anyone in the industry named "Tim." So "Tim" if you're out there, I owe ya one! Anyway, she seems nice, a little crazy, hopefully in a good way. She studied design at the Parsons New School For Design, which is very prestigious. I didn't even know there were prestigious design schools until I was done with my school. I actually learned more about the field working in it, than in all of the classes I took. But seems to be that's the way it usually goes. So yeah, we're having lunch next week to swap stories and see what we can do for each other. She also calls herself a product designer. The first thing I think of there is toasters, but who couldn't always use a better toaster?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like it....I am also reading the book it is great, good pic of you